Growing Is A Matter of Space and Opportunity

135 Shark In Fish Bowl Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStockIf a shark grows in a fishbowl, it may grow 8 inches. If a shark grows in the ocean, it can grow over 8 feet. I didn’t create that explanation but it really hits home for student success.

This example demonstrates how environment can limit your growth. Conversely, it also demonstrates have a less restrictive environment, where you can “spread your wings” by making innovative choices, can greatly improve your personal and professional development.

That Viral Video Of A Huge Great White Shark Has Spurred Quite A  Conversation -

Pick a college where there are plenty of opportunities outside of class to grow and then, put yourself in those environments.  It might be a club, team, honor fraternity or sorority, entrepreneurship competition, volunteering or a number of other choices. Whatever you choose, choose the least restrictive environment and then take risks and grow.

Steven J. Harvey, Ph.D.

CEO, My Campus Max ( LLC