Choosing a College Major by Choosing a Career Path

The single best predictor of employment is not the college you attend but the major you choose. That’s right! Too many high school students want to go to “big name” colleges, which is fine, without careful consideration of their career path.  Instead, you should focus your college choice on whether or not it has your major and what is the reputation, graduation rate, and job placement rate of graduates from your major. So how do you choose your major? It’s a simple process that will require some effort on your part.

  1. Take inventory of your values, desired work environment, and interests.
  2. Know what your strengths and weaknesses are, particularly your academic weaknesses.
  3. Take several assessments that help you identify a career path.
  4. Do your RESEARCH! You will need to explore several careers and look at what their work environment entails, what kind of work values can be maintained and prioritized, what type of education is required, what is the job outlook, and whether or not it require a graduate degree?
  5. Conduct informational interviews. Go out and ask people in your desired career, “Why did you choose it?” “What do you like best and least about the job?” “Would you enter it again?” “Would you want your own kids to go into your field?”  You should interview a diverse group of 3-4 people.
  6. Once you do all of this work, then you are prepared to select a “career path.”  Notice I did not say “job”?
  7. Use your career path (i.e. law, medicine, business, engineering, etc.) to select the major that is most appropriate for you!
  8. Use your major to then select your college.

I know that this isn’t the first time I posted about selecting your major.  This is because it is a huge predictor of success in college and beyond.  You don’t have to know the specific job but you DO need a direction before you enter college.  99% of the high school students are capable of identifying a direction for their careers.  You just have to spend the time to do it right!

Finally, if you want to be successful, like choosing your career path, you need to be proactive and do things that are outside of your comfort range and which no one is asking you to do.  Remember, nothing worthwhile in life comes without risk and hard work.  But when you achieve success, it is truly amazing!

For more information on selecting your major and what you can to to prepare for college, go to MyCollegeMax! It will provide you a HUGE advantage for you and your future!

Good luck!




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