The Characteristics and Wants of Millennials

Millennials are the largest generation, recently overtaking Baby Boomers for the number one slot.  Millennials are also the most studied (and misunderstood) generation to date.  By 2025, Millennials will make up a majority of the workforce.  Therefore, it is important for employers, marketers, and other generations to gain an understanding of Millennials.  So what are the characteristics and wants of the largest generation?

Millennials are…

  • Multitaskers: Millennials are pros at juggling many tasks at once; however, they are also easily distracted and find texting/social media hard to resist
  • Connected: Millennials are attached to their social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram
  • Tech-Savvy: Millennials grew up with technology at their fingertips making them the most tech-savvy generation to date
  • Open-minded: Millennials are exposed to all different walks of life and are passionate advocates for equality
  • Collaborators: Millennials like to work in groups and often seek the opinions of others

 Millennials want…

  • Work-Life Balance: Millennials are family orientated and want to have time for work and play
  • Variety: Millennials like to perform different tasks and look for jobs without repetition
  • Transparency: Millennials appreciate an open relationship with their bosses and co-workers
  • Career Advancement: Millennials desire positions where they can move up the ranks quickly

Millennials have many traits that give them both advantages and disadvantages to entering the workforce. As a student, parent, or high school counselor it is important to understand the characteristics and personalities of this generation as they attend college and enter the workforce.

Steven J. Harvey, Ph.D. 
CEO & Founder, My College Max, Web Site:
Executive Director, The WNY Consortium of Higher Education, Web Site:


True leadership only exists if people follow when they have the freedom not to. James Collins


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